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Do you want to boost your brain - win your game? I'm Karl Morris one of Europe's leading Performance Coaches.  Whether it's sport, business or pleasure, the real key to success is to go from thought to ACTION and MAKE the changes happen.

Mar 26, 2020

It is great to welcome back a good friend of the Brain Booster Jayne Storey.

Jayne is a coach of meditation and tai chi with over thirty years of experience at the coal face of actual one to one work.

With the current challenges we are all facing, we are going to need something to ‘hold’ on to which will help us navigate through the current storms and steer us into calmer waters.

We had a great chat and Jayne’s wisdom will shine through and give you so much valuable information to consider not just for your golf but for your life in general.

We talk about the need to first of all NOTICE

To notice what is actually happening with your mind. The habitual patterns and habits your mind continually throws up.

Rather than always trying to change what we are thinking we need to first of all notice what is ACTUALLY happening.

It is the very opposite of what most of us do.

How our current mode of thinking tends to activate our STRESS response and what we can actually do about it.

The need to have a coach or mentor.

Even though Jayne has been studying these ancient disciplines for over thirty years she still works with a teacher.

We all need mentors

Now perhaps more than ever

We need someone to be a NEUTRAL sounding board

To help us see our own patterns

How our body is the ‘gateway to the present moment’

How to embrace ‘walking meditation’

How we can take the opportunity in this moment to develop skills that will help your game when things get back to normal

The difference between ‘thinking’ about the body and actually ‘being with the body’

How to create the conditions for ‘The Zone’

The benefits of gratitude

Stop ‘thinking’ and ‘come to your senses’

How this allows us to tune in to the questions the golf course is asking of us

Being aware of the breath

The utterly simplistic notion of tuning in with breath

How you can ‘park your mind’ with the breath

To find out more about Jayne and her programs go to

To get YOUR copy of The Breakthrough Programme

Click on the link NOW…..