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Do you want to boost your brain - win your game? I'm Karl Morris one of Europe's leading Performance Coaches.  Whether it's sport, business or pleasure, the real key to success is to go from thought to ACTION and MAKE the changes happen.

Nov 28, 2019

This is the 100th show of the Brain Booster

I really want to thank you for your support

The momentum has really begun to build

I cannot believe all of that time has passed us by

In the last couple of year’s we have had some amazing guests and today’s guest is no exception.

Stuart Morgan has created a wonderful...

Nov 21, 2019

We may THINK we are running our own ship.

We may think we make conscious and rational decisions.

We may believe that other people have no influence over us.

We may assume our environment is passive to us.

Think again.

Welcome to the mysteries of our unconscious mind

Unless we get to REALLY know ourselves better little...

Nov 14, 2019

On today’s show we have with us a fascinating guest: Dr Mark Bull

Mark is acknowledged as one of the world’s leading experts in golf bio mechanics

He has worked at the very highest levels of the game with some of the world’s top players.

He has also presented his work in seminars across the globe.

His company...

Nov 7, 2019

On today’s show we have a slight variation from our normal pattern of trajectory but one I feel you will gain great value from.

By looking into the world of a successful business we can often bring back great ideas for our own game or our own life

Often it is by looking outside the obvious areas that we can gain the...