Sep 5, 2019
Really excited to introduce to you today Chris Riddoch
We spend so much time debating the ins and outs of golf technique
One coach says one thing, another something completely different.
All well and good
How do you actually turn information into movement?
What is the best way and the worst way to try to learn to swing better?
What effects does imagery have on movement?
What is the most effective way to develop SKILL?
What does the science say about motor learning?
Today’s guest will explain all
Chris Riddoch is a sport scientist who has been a teacher, coach, and researcher for more than 30 years. He worked at the universities of Bath, Bristol, Middlesex, and Queen's (Belfast) and has degrees in Physical Education and Sports Science. He has a PhD in Sports Physiology. Over his career he has published more than 200 research articles on sport and exercise science.
Chris was a scratch golfer at age 17 and represented his club, county (Cheshire), college (Borough Road) and country (England). He is a trained Physical Educator specialising in motor skill development, and has had a special interest in the science of improving the golf swing.
He has written four books
Winning at Sport
The Golf Swing
Expert Putting
The Rule Free Golf Swing
To find out more go to
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