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Do you want to boost your brain - win your game? I'm Karl Morris one of Europe's leading Performance Coaches.  Whether it's sport, business or pleasure, the real key to success is to go from thought to ACTION and MAKE the changes happen.

Feb 5, 2019


Justin Buckthorp is a performance consultant to a host of the worlds very best players including World Number 1 Justin Rose.

This is a great session that will really allow you to consider the best ways to optimise your brain from a nutritional perspective.

It is no good having great mental game strategies if your brain is functioning at way less than its optimum capacity.

In this fascinating chat Justin talks about his work with World Number 1 Justin Rose and how he helped him build a tremendous process driven outlook to the game.


We talk about very simple strategies around HYDRATION


The myths and misconceptions


What you do BEFORE you play and the impact this may be having on your game

The research on what effect even a 1 to 2 % dehydration level can have on performance

The effect of a spike in blood sugar level and how this will alter your touch and feel on the golf course

How to manage your blood sugar levels more effectively

How it is too late to try to start your hydration protocol when you get to the golf course

What is an ideal hydration protocol for your game

How much performance is affected by nutrition and hydration

Simple strategies that can make a REAL difference instantly to your game with absolutely no down side.


The best approach to your eating and your game

How to fuel your brain efficiently

What are the best systems on the golf course


The simple SECRETS to a healthy functioning brain

How brain health affects EVERYTHING you do


How your health, fitness and nutrition programmes need to be personalised

The Brain Booster principle of find YOUR way as opposed to THE way

Blood testing and the benefit of KNOWING what you need as an individual


A really wide ranging and informative session from an expert working right at the coal face of PEAK PERFORMANCE


All of Justin’s work is built on robust research and has been proven to be really effective

To look at these ideas will not only impact your game but your whole life in general


To find out more about Justin go to


To find out more about Karl Morris and the Mind Factor go to