Oct 27, 2017
We have a very different show today. A couple of weeks ago a regular listener to the podcast Liam Glennon got in touch to say how much he was enjoying the topics we have covered.
To be able to listen to some of the world’s leading coaches and experts share their insight BUT he said ‘what about the ORDINARY player?’
Immediately this resonated with me.
We hear a lot from experts which is absolutely great.
It is wonderful to hear their wisdom of their collective experience but what about the grass roots?
What about the thoughts, feelings and concerns of the ‘ordinary’ player.
Liam called himself an ‘ordinary golfer’ but this year he has had some extraordinary breakthroughs.
He came on the Mind Factor course last year and has diligently applied some very simple but effective strategies.
Here he talks about how he applied those principles.
I hope you will enjoy this podcast be that if you are a player of sport, you coach or you run a business.
It is an honest and enlightening discussion of what it is like to learn and apply.
We take in so much information these days but do we actually APPLY it?
Liam is a good example of someone who has gone from thinking to doing and his story is fascinating. I am sure this will resonate with a lot of people listening.
It is all well and good to talk about sport at the highest level but what about the weekend warrior, those of you who only get chance to play once a week, those of you trying to establish yourself.
Join us in this conversation I am sure you will find it of great benefit
During this podcast you will learn
How writing out your ‘story’ is the first step in the change process.
How the physical act of writing can have such a profound mental impact
Being brave enough to challenge your existing story
How it is vital you have a support network, the people closest to you will either help or hinder you as you move or don’t move in the direction you wish.
How to make the effort to ‘seek out’ the right support
How the viewpoint of other people may be the single biggest reason why you stay the same
How stepping out of the normal routine can help you establish a new routine
The role of ATTENTION and how you need to personalise information
Pressing the RESET button
How to get your attention back on track after a setback
The value of a post shot routine
How to change your interpretation of what is happening to you
How the changing of your interpretation is a conscious act without which you just stay on auto pilot and repeat the same old patterns
The danger of outcome focus and how to redirect the mind into a useful place
How to get the most from your coaching
This is a very different session
Instead of an expert telling you WHAT to do LIAM tells you HOW to do it