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Do you want to boost your brain - win your game? I'm Karl Morris one of Europe's leading Performance Coaches.  Whether it's sport, business or pleasure, the real key to success is to go from thought to ACTION and MAKE the changes happen.

Jan 28, 2022

Today on to the Brain Booster we welcome an extra special guest from the US in Phil Blackmar.

Phil had a successful career on the PGA Tour including three tournament victories.

The Greater Hartford Open, The Provident Classic and the Shell Houston Open were all victories achieved by winning a play off.

The Provident...

Jan 21, 2022

We all need to understand the concept of impermanence and the role it plays in our ever changing human landscape. As much as we like to build the idea of safety and security at some point life will throw at us versions of impermanence.

We will lose the job we love, the relationship we had will break down, our health...

Jan 14, 2022

Today on the Brain Booster we welcome back Jayne Storey.

In previous shows Jayne has given us some wonderful insights on how to practically apply ancient wisdom from Tai Chi

We get the chance today to talk about her new book ‘Connected Golf’

The whole thrust of the book is to explore why there is such a gap between...

Jan 7, 2022

How we can learn to change our relationship to our thoughts.

I have always believed in looking to other sports to see what we can learn to bring to our own sport. Often when we look outside the confines of our own world we can gain so much.

So today it is great to welcome on to the Brain Booster Pat Flynn from the world...