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Do you want to boost your brain - win your game? I'm Karl Morris one of Europe's leading Performance Coaches.  Whether it's sport, business or pleasure, the real key to success is to go from thought to ACTION and MAKE the changes happen.

Apr 27, 2018

We have had a common theme on this show over the past few months which has focused around the concept of ‘Attention’. The key principle being that your attention is either in a useful or useless place for the task you have in front of you.

So often we are the victim of a mind wandering almost everywhere other than...

Apr 13, 2018

Is putting an art or is it a science? There can certainly be strong arguments on both sides of the divide. Yet I would suggest that for many the balance has tipped too far towards the science at the expense of the art of holing putts. It is with great pleasure today that I welcome back my good friend Gary Nicol.


Apr 6, 2018

We have a tremendous session today reflecting how research has shown just how important your pre shot routine is to effective performance.


If you are not looking at or working on this you are REALLY missing a trick.


The tremendous research was conducted by Dr Matt Bridge who is a senior lecturer in coaching and...