Sep 18, 2018
Have you heard of Moe Norman?
Some of you listening will say a resounding YES whilst the vast majority will probably have never heard of him.
This is a tragedy!!
Moe Norman was by all accounts one of the greatest ball strikers of ALL time in golf.
Yet to many his legacy remains a mystery.
Well hopefully we can do something about that on the Brain Booster
We have with us today Tim O’Connor who is a performance coach in Canada as well as being a very esteemed author.
He wrote the wonderful book
‘The Feeling of Greatness’
The life of Moe Norman
Tim got to spend time with Moe
To learn about the man himself not just the stories surrounding him
He became a close confidant of Moe
Very few people ever got into that category
He describes with wonderful candour and humour his first meeting with Moe and straight from the word go how Moe dazzled him with his stunning ball striking abilities
We then talk about Moe and his life
The very humble beginnings
The search for his own identity
How golf gave him a ‘safe place’ to express himself
To find out just how good he could become
How Moe developed his own unique style is a wonderful example of ‘finding YOUR way’
How Moe never gained the respect he deserved
The at times heart wrenching truth about how he struggled to be accepted into the mainstream
How it would be so different today with our understanding of how people process the world differently
It is important to keep the legacy of Moe alive
Listen to today’s show and then if you can spread the word about Moe
Tim can be contacted at
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